Learn More About Day of the Infected

100% Free To Play
The game is and always will be totally free to play, no content locked behind paywalls, no hidden extras and definitely no premium gameplay.
DOTI is funded via our unique rewards platform which allows players to earn currency with which to buy weapons, upgrades and skins to use in the game. For those wishing to forego earning credits, we also provide the option to purchase them via the Steam store…this is a totally voluntary option for players who prefer to not use the rewards platform.
Credits and items can also be earned by simply playing the game or through competitive leader-boards and free prize giveaways.
Multiple Game Modes
DOTI will have a variety of ‘instant’ game modes that will offer short ‘hop in’ instances for players to have fun alone or with friends. These will be both PvP and PvE orientated and friendly fire is always on in DOTI.
Instant modes will allow us to test features and game mechanics in a controlled environment while allowing players to enjoy the game.
There will also be a full story-driven simulation mode with RPG elements, faction based missions and player driven consequences.
Simulation mode is planned for the future and will be built and added to by adding in the mechanics and gameplay features from the instant modes.

Player Construction System
DOTI will feature a simple to use build system to allow players to build any size structure. Use it to build a base, a bridge, a blockade, anything you can imagine!
The building system also features physics based destruction. Need to take out an enemy base, just focus on the supports and watch the whole thing come crashing down.
Air, Ground, and Sea Vehicles
DOTI features a wide variety of vehicles for all of your traveling and combat needs. Some vehicles are made for civilian use and are great for getting from point A to point B, while others bring massive firepower into the battle.
Leverage air vehicles to get across the map quickly or load up your friends into a C-130 Gunship to bring wide-spread destruction to all of your foes below. Hop on a jet-ski and fly through rivers or commandeer a Navy Destroyer and laugh while blowing up your enemies.
On land, in the air, and on the sea you’ll find the perfect vehicle for your needs. The only question you need to ask yourself is who will you let in the vehicles with you?

Win Cash With Our Tournaments
With our monthly tournaments all players have the ability to earn real cash prizes! There are multiple types of tournaments running throughout the month to give all players a chance to win.
Team up with your favorite YouTube/Twitch streamers and battle it out for the top cash prizes each month.
We have prizes for the top earners on the rewards platform as well as the top players for different game modes each month!
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