Day of the Infected Development Team
We are a small but dedicated team building out Day of the Infected! Learn more about each of us below.

CEO Holy Fire Games & Project Manager
Wielder of the sacred whip, commander of the heathen horde and master of the unworthy…If it doesn’t work it’s all his fault.
Age: 35
Location: Iowa United States

Lead Programmer
“To XOR OR NOT to XOR? That is the question” … Just ask Ben, he will probably know the answer.
Age: 24
Location: England UK

Creative Copywriter
Destroyer of words and bane of punctuation, no sentence is safe, no paragraph beyond corruption!
Age: 55
Location: England UK

Level Designer & Editor
… and on the eighth day, James looked out upon the emptiness and took up his tools to create a better place. A place of death and despair, a world in which even the hunter can become the hunted!
Age: 25
Location: California USA

Technical Artist
Manipulator of pixels, distorter of dimensions, and purveyor of polygons, his creations will transport you to hell and maybe even back again!
Age: 25
Location: Sweden

Preston Baker
Game Designer & 3D Modeller
A dreamer of lucid dreams, builder of dark nightmares, bricklayer to the once rich and famous.
Age: 26
Location: Iowa USA

Audio Engineer
Hark! The roar of engines, the pew-pew of gunfire and the ambient sounds of panic, it seems Adam is out getting lunch at the drive-through again.
Age 25
Location: Hungary

Web Developer
If JavaScript errors were zombies, there would be no beating this guy. Mike’s armour is a console log and his weapon of choice is code. He’s the spider at the heart of our web!
Age 44
Location: Texas USA

Customer Support
If you have a problem… if no one else can help… and if you can find her… maybe Leann can help!
Age 51
Location: Kansas USA