Added – [Ben] DOTIBuilder; support for remote profiling:, launch options for local development builds (batched)
Added – [Ben] Spawn Manager; re-added support for clearing zombies (or gameobjects) by id
Added – [Ben] Utils; OfflineOnly; will disable any gameobject with the OfflineOnly component when playing offline
Added – [Ben] GameModeBehaviour; RealtimeLighting; handles light controller functionality, dawn/day/dusk/night timing and improves dynamic light performance
Added – [Ben] King of the Hill; realtime lighting behaviour
Added – [Ben] EntityDamageModel; support for damage multipliers
Added – [Ben] ClientCharacter; hit direction indicators
Added – [Chilli] Vehicles; “Modular Truck” and “Fire Truck” to vehicle demo (drivability coming soon)
Added – [Chilli] Lighting; NGSS shadow test to vehicle demo scene (NGSS_Test gameobject)
Added – [Chilli] Vehicles; WheelVolumeCast error detection
Added – [Cuyi] DOTIBuilder; log level can now be defined in the builder
Added – [Cuyi] HUD; team mates markers are now shown on king of the hill mode
Added – [Cuyi] POI; modular activation rules for game modes
Added – [Cuyi] King of the Hill; active point is selected from points close to the last active one
Added – [James] Particles; shield, zombie spawn, breath, smoke, fire and embers
Changed – [Ben] Whiplash Winter; terrain is now calculated on the GPU
Changed – [Ben] LightController; realtime lighting (articial lights) now only update on time of day change
Changed – [Ben] Zombie AI; decreased pathfinding lookup from 30 to 3, search now filters by layer (>75% CPU reduction)
Changed – [Ben] DOTIBuilder; forced install directory to “C:/HFG/DOTI/BUILDS”
Changed – [Ben] VerticalAmbientAudio; disabled update method
Changed – [Ben] ConnectionToMaster; now continues to check if a connection is lost to the master server
Changed – [Ben] ServerCharacter; now uses EntityDamageModelLinks if present to deal damage multipliers
Changed – [Ben] Spawner; now uses GPU instanced particles
Changed – [Ben] ClientCharacter; friendly fire re-enabled, slope limiting re-enabled
Changed – [Ben] AmbientSound; improved editor performance by only drawing gizmos if gameobject is selected
Changed – [Ben] Project Settings; scripting runtime now uses .net 4.x, scripting backend now uses IL2CPP
Changed – [Ben, James] Whiplash; graphics changes
Changed – [Chilli] Vehicles; shortened chase camera idle timer, minor handling tweaks, Black Mamba (new interior & grille offense)
Changed – [Chilli] Vehicles; Adjusted some vehicle acceleration values
Changed – [Cuyi] Zombie AI; split AI load randomly through frames
Changed – [Cuyi] POI; now it is possible to rotate points
Changed – [Cuyi] Zombie AI; zombies don’t hold a grudge forever anymore
Changed – [Cuyi] Scoring; score per second of captured hill changed from 0 to 1
Changed – [Cuyi] Scoring; score per closing of captured hill changed from 1 to 60
Changed – [Cuyi] POI; capture progress will slowly reset to zero if
Changed – [James] Whiplash Winter; improved skybox and lighting setup, adjusted POI’s, adjusted aura volumes, added dust effect to all houses, adjusted particle mats, made variations of fire particles for scattered fires and large plane fire, added aura negative volumes on buildings
Changed – [James] Camera; adjusted bloom
Fixed – [Adam] Audio; excluded audio debugging from being included in builds
Fixed – [Ben] CarVisualsLights; missing #editor define
Fixed – [Ben] LightController; no longer spams logs if no skybox can be found
Fixed – [Ben] DOTIBuiler; now correctly makes use of the headless builder
Fixed – [Ben] Misc; obsolete warnings
Fixed – [Ben] ServerSocketWs; no longer throws a websocket exception on startup
Fixed – [Ben] Menu; server browser showed incorrect game mode name
Fixed – [Chilli] Vehicles Demo; reactivated time cycle (skybox)
Fixed – [Cuyi] Menu; blur effects were throwing shader errors
Fixed – [Cuyi] Voice Chat; dissonance wasn’t working
Fixed – [Cuyi] POI; it wasn’t possible to fully recapture POIs
Fixed – [Cuyi] POI markers; the extended ring model was wrongly placed
Fixed – [Cuyi] Zombie AI; zombies would get stuck because of detecting players that weren’t close enough to chase
Fixed – [Cuyi] Scoring; rounding error was causing extra points per second being scored
Fixed – [Cuyi] Lake POI; capture radius was too big
Fixed – [Cuyi] Hill HUD Marker; use the same icon for the on-screen and compass indicators
Fixed – [Cuyi] Text Chat UI; text chat line height was wrong causing text not to wrap
Fixed – [Cuyi] Choose Gear UI; links for rewards and shop buttons were wrong
Fixed – [Cuyi] UI; choose gear screen modals would pop up in top of each other.
Fixed – [James] Whiplash Winter; smoothed terrain areas to improve AI navigation
Removed – [Ben] Other; misc unused files